Minggu, 09 Desember 2007

Dear Osiris,

Today, I read about Roald Dahl’s poetry collection. It is adapted from Disney channel like Jack and the Beanstalk and etc. The poem that I like most is The 3 Little Pigs. It is very funny and it is mixed with Little Red Riding Hood. And the very strange part is that Little Red Riding Hood or Mrs. Hood, killed the wolf that has eaten the 2 other pigs and she have 2 wolf skin cloth and 2 pig skin bag (because she killed the wolf that has eaten these 2 poor little pigs.) Everything is not real like in Snow White and the 7 Dwarves, the hunter that is commanded to kill Snow White didn’t kill her and he didn’t get a animal’s heart, but instead, he bought a beef heart! And the strangest thing is at Cinderella. The prince, like to chop of heads! Also, at the 3 bears, Goldilocks ate the baby bear’s porridge and the baby bear said: “It’s not fair!” And the father replied: “Goldilocks ate your porridge so eat her!”

SEE YAH OSIRIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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